Wow, it's been a while, hasn't it? :\
There's a fair bit of stuff going on, some of it good but a lot of it very difficult and I'm only just starting to get back to feeling on the level again.
So apologies for the lack of bloggy goodness so far; the plan is to rectify this (gradually at first probably). I hope it will encourage me to also get back into writing, something I'm starting to miss for the first time in a very long time.
Knitting has been happening, mostly socks (portable projects rock!) thanks to the wonderful Knit Love Club 2010 and its creator Alice
It's proving to be loads of fun and a challenge with every instalment - at the moment it's my first ever toe-up socks (OK, my first ever toe-ups that got beyond the toe!) which so far is turning out rather well! Next parcel is yummier still but I think I'll be saving it for our summer holiday next month - at the speed I usually go with socks that would be as early as I'll manage! :)
The holiday? A week on Lewis with the main event being the HebCelt Festival - much good music to be had, really looking forward to that and a rest for me and hubby. Would have liked longer but one of us will need a week sometime during the latter half of the year when we get our new bathroom fitted.
And, on that positive note, time to close here...for now. More soon, if I have anything to do with it! :D